Friday, November 24, 2017

About the Parsley Aralia

Polyscias fruticosa 'Elegans'

This Parsley Aralia was just picture-perfect and awaiting its new owner that will walk into this florist, sooner or later. This graceful and easy to grow plant is at a stage of growth where it would be best as a table plant but it can become a showy and elegant floor plants as it grows up. 

This one is great for a narrow space and does not grow nearly as wide as many other floor plants. I own a few Aralias, one is over forty years old now, and rarely have had trouble with them. The secret to keeping them going is to give them a good soak when they need water and find a bright indirect or fairly sunny spot for them.

If you ever visit the Polynesian Islands you may come upon one that is living there, naturally.

You can send houseplants and flowers from this delightful florist, anywhere in the world:

Care Instructions---
  • Bright indirect light to some direct sun. Full afternoon sun may prove to be too strong.   Directly in front of a north or east facing window will work out well.
  • For all Aralias:  Water when the top of the soil is dry. They like a good soak but not to sit in water for long.
  • -- in a 6" (15 cm) diameter pot, water with 1 pint of water (almost 1/2 liter)
  • --in a 10"(25 cm) diameter pot will use about 2 quarts of water (or 2 liters) when necessary
  • -- in a 14" (35 cm) diameter pot, use 1 gallon of water (almost 4 liters)
  • Fertilize regularly for best growth.
  • A daily water misting would be appreciated but is not necessary. 
  • Once in awhile clean the leaves in the shower or outdoors with a hose on gentle spray. You can mix up about a tsp. of mild dishwashing soap in a pint bottle and soap up the leaves first.   

***To watch short video clips from my 90's TV series, click below:


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